Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fun Facts about the 1920's

-106,521,537 people in the United States
- 2,132,000 unemployed, Unemployment 5.2%
-Life expectancy: Male 53.6, Female 54.6
-343.000 in military (down from 1,172,601 in 1919)
-Average annual earnings $1236; Teacher's salary $970
-Illiteracy rate reached a new low of 6% of the population
-It took 13 days to reach California from New York
There were 387,000 miles of paved road.

Nick Caraway Poem

Unreliable, Passive, ambitious, and humble
Cousin of Daisy
Loved Books, Gatsby, and the Buchannans
Feels confused, untrustful, and invigerated
Fears losing, being poor, and being alone
Who is in the Bonds bussiness
Wanted to see Gatsby, his love, and his family happy
Lives in West Egg near the Gatsby mansion

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am poem

I Am
I am Roman Catholic and Canadian
I wonder what its like to be God
I hear America Singing
I see a great Second Coming
I want to get to know more people better
I am Roman Catholic and Canadian

I pretend to pray like a follower of Islam.
I feel that Trolls are something that eat goats.
I touch lava and it burns before I touch it
I worry about the World and the resources it holds
I cry because of the September 11th attacks.
I am Roman Catholic and Canadian

I understand that God is my Creator
I say Jesus is my Savior
I dream that I was once able to breath under water.
I try to do my best in life and learn to respect others beliefs.
I hope I will get the courage to do things I haven't done before.
I am Roman Catholic adn Canadian.

Bio poem


Paul DeVita


Who is knowledgeable, helpful, and imaginative

Sibling of no one

Lover of Comedy

Who feels good, happy, and comfortable

Who needs family, friends, and books

Who wants to learn more about languages, religion, and Area 51

Who gives money, time, and advice

Who fears heights, and spiders

Who for relaxation enjoys playing guitar, playing video games,
And riding bikes

Who would like to see Jesus, Jim Carrey, and Robin Williams

Who lives in Clifton
