Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Flowers in Hamlet

If Hamlet were to send flowers to Gertrude he would send a bouquet of columbine for faithlessness, rue for adultery with Claudius, and Roses for her to remeber his father. Thsi would be a messag to her that would read-"remeber my father, while you are faithless to him and commit adultery with my uncle, his brother"

In Act IV, scene iv Ophelia fits into the garden motif by using dead things like bones and weeds to hand out as flowers. Like the other "garden" refences it has a sense of death or rotting. Others scences do this as well when refering to a garden they say it is rotting.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Did Shakespheare know about Dante?

In the article a question of wheater Shakespeare knew about the works of DAnte is posed. The writer says that many of Shakespeare's works could not have been written without prior outside knowledge of Dante. In a weird way the author is right, but is that taking away from the credibility and originality of Shakespeare. Not in the least. In fact it gives rise to how he could take and a dapt a Italian story to the English speaking world.
This argument has faults, because it doesn't really fully explain how Shakespeare would know Italian, and evn if he did how would eh do the adaptations so fast. In the end the pros outway the cons in my opinion, and with a couple generations difference between the two it's certainly possible for Dante to have reached England.