Monday, May 9, 2011

What book i would Memorize?

If i was a character in Ray Bradbury's "451" and that character was a part of the "book people", and i was ordered to memorize one book i would pick the Cather in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. This may sound clique, but it's the way i feel about this particular novel. It shows so much about what everyone goes through when they reach the threshold of leaving childhood and becomeing a young adult. It has many aspect of Humanity everyone can relate to. If that novel was already taken, which is a possibility, especially with that novel. I would pick To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, because that novel shows how humanity can have a dark side and a much lighter side. It also teaches us that people are impossible to judge no matter how prodictable they may seem. Now if both of these where taken then i would choose The Chosen by Chiam Potak , because it says so much about what we can learn form other cultures even if they seem so similair or different form our own.