Sunday, September 19, 2010

My journey

In the novel the main charcater is like me because he can't show emotions like with Kamala. When my grandma died i didn't cry much. He was the sam but with love. He was thinking that he could love her but he really couldn't. I am the same but i can love, i just don't express sadness that much.
I am also like Siddhartha in the fact that i accept the way i am taught to pray. Even though he rejects all the other things in his life he keeps the way he prays. Although i didnt reject the rest of my religion like he did after he met the Buddha. I still accept the way i was taught to pray, because i am comfortable with it.
These ways are the things that i share with siddhartha and thats how i chose to go on my journey.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry about your grandma, but just because you don't look sad doesn't mean you aren't deeply effected by the lose. Great observation that Siddhartha always found time for prayer and meditation, regardless of what teacher he was following.
