Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Holidays?

What do you say as a greeting when it's late December and the festive time of year is in full swing? If you said Merry Christmas you'd be right but not in the political sense. In fact you'd be labeled offensive. Don't dismay because there is a phrase that you can say thats not offensive in the least. Happy Holidays! It's perfectly approved by the government and the powers that be. Confused yet? Well you should be because if you are then you have realized that the reason the season of Christmas was created in the first place was in order to clebrate the Birth of Christ. Why then has the holiday become just another day when consumerism and materialism gain a rebirth in the hearts of men? Well with the secularization of society it's no surprise that thais is the case. So what can one do? Simple you need to keep Christ in Christmas and keep saying Merry Christmas. I mean many would say. "Well that's offensive!" To those people I say. CALM DOWN. It's not that big of a deal. I mean people definitely can still celebrate the season of Christmas as secular, but don't change the name of the season. Obviously this is ironic because this time of year is probably not when Jesus was born. In fact we don't truly know much about when he was born except that hewas born between 4BC and 3AD adn born dring the reign of Ceasar Augustus. Why then should we say Merry Christmas then if this is the case? Well that's also simple. It's because one needs to seperate Christmas the "holiday" from Christmas the "Holy Day". Simply put both the secular celebrations and the religious celebrations can be celebrated at once. The only problem is that peole need to realize when someone says Merry Christmas they aren't say "Hey believe what i believe, NOW!" They are simply saying hey man have a good day, and i hope you happyness through out this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. I do not like when someone says Happy Holidays to me, i like hearing merry Christmas better. I am not a religious person and so it is not because i only want people to believe in christmas but because i celebrate it, i would like to say it and for people to say it back without it being a big deal! If someone says happy hannukah to me i wouldn't get offended, i would assume that it is what they celebrate and simply say happy hannukah to you too
