Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Two Christmas's?

In my last post it sounded as if i wanted to seperate Christmas into two different holiday's. In a sesnse this is true, but truthfully it is not. What I want to see is a Christmas that is pure and true to the reason it was made. Obviously we can still give presents to one another, and celebrate with parties and other festive things. What we have to realize though is that the true meaning is not these things. A gift doesn't make Christmas what it is at all. The true way we can celebrate the season is to remember the ones we love in our lives. It also is to commemorate the Birth of Christ. What if someone is not religious? Simple then they don't have to celebrate it because of Jesus, but because of the people they love, and to many that is Jesus. In the life of the non-believer this doesn't ring true obviously and therefore they do not celebrate it in such a way. I would like to add again that the statement Merry Christmas is just a statement of comradory, and humanity among humans. It symbolizes the fate and experience we all have to go through as humans. So the next time you see someone in December don't be afriad to say Merry Christmas!


  1. This makes me so mad ! I love Christmas. I hate when people say Merry "X-Mas". It defeats the whole purpose of Christmas.

  2. While I'm not surprised by the idea that some people want to put the "Christ" back in Christmas, I'm sort of surprised by the idea that December only belongs to Christmas. When I think of December, Christmas is not the only holiday I think of since there's Kwanzaa and Hanukkah and the celebration of the Winter Solstice too. And, is Christmas the only holiday that should provide an opportunity to focus on those we love?
