Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What’s moral and what’s not moral?

Well who am I to say who’s moral or not. I mean who can truly say what’s good or not. Well you may answer ‘Oh you’ll know. It just feels right or wrong’. True it does feel good to do “good” (whatever that is), and bad to do “bad” (again whatever that is), but why? Well if you look at the experiments of Pavlov, you’ll see the answer is conditioning. Well that’s partially the answer, and here’s why. The reason is that we are all told from a young age, or at least most of us, that certain things are bad and certain things are good. This develops or time and we see for ourselves what is right or wrong. So why do we accept these things? The reason is that we find some sort of truth in the morals and we accept them. In other cases people see bad things as good for them even if they don’t harm others, maybe just themselves. These types of “outsiders” are seen as not right and immoral, but why? How come secular society accepts this? We’ll an argument by people like author Sam Harris goes something like this: Whatever makes people happy is morally good. Now don’t trust me on that one, but it’s close enough. So what does that mean? Well it means whatever feels good to you, do it. Wait then that means if i’m a serial killer and that makes me happy it’s morally good. There might have been a “if it’s good for society to Harris argument but still. Killing isn’t all bad. I mean less people to feed. More room and resources for all. Bullshit. Either way you look at it this argument is flawed. Getting back to the main question though I must say that no one can truly know what’s good or not. I mean Harris’s argument does have some merit. It does show that one should look for what makes them happy, and as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. In the end God is the only real person to know what’s good or not. Guess we all gotta wait for an answer to this question huh?

So what’s your opinion?

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