Saturday, December 10, 2011

What can we do about this?

A suggestion of many is to just forget about it and just conform, but truly will that casue the problem to go away? Not in theleast bit, becasue the problem is then just ignored. So what can we do to appease everyone. Well a good thing to start off with is to introduce a moment of silence into schools. Why you may ask? Simply to allow any person of any faith or non-faith to just meditate or get a few more minutes of peace and quiet before classes. It was actually a part of schools a while back but it seems to have lost it's place in schools. My dad and mom in fact remeber such things. (They were born in 1963 and 1965 respectively). Is this it? Certainly not, this is just a simple way to get children annd others to recognize and respect other faiths other then their own. Now you may argue that just saying Happy Holiday's is a way to get other sto accept culture, but infact it's just another way to secularize society and not expose childern and others to culture and religion, which seems to be a huge part of culture in some countries. (especially those of Jewish or Islamic descent). So this saying of Happy Hannuka and Merry Christmas, etc. will get kids wondering. They'll ask questions like, "Hey whats that...?" or "What's that holiday and what do they celebrate?" So this in fact is a way of creating a better more knownledgeable society and future generation. Instead we just have kids that don't know about other cultures and beliefs becasue it might offend them. I mean how can you expect a kid to make their own choice and get things done on their own if all day everyday they are being told what to do and like and say. How will they do things if they are having it all done for them?

1 comment:

  1. I do not think we should conform either. America is a place of countless different culture and I believe we should embrace them. I think the idea of having a moment of silence is a good thing ,but maybe after the moment of silence everyone can talk about their special holiday and everyone can understand each other's cultures better.
